Item Spotlight: Transponder Tracker and Transponder Node

Never lose your dinos again thanks to this handy tool. Granted, they might still be killed in the wild, but many have argued that most Dinos fare better with their instincts than the instructions of the wise man who sits on them, and accidentially falls off a cliff.

GPS tracking is a two-part solution. You’ll need a single “Transponder Tracker” to receive the signals emitted by all the “Transponder Nodes” attached to the Dinos. Unfortunately, those aren’t on the cheap side. They’ll set you back by quite a bit of items.

Transponder Tracker Transponder Node
Available from Level 65 onwards, costs 30 Engram Points, and requires the GPS Engram.

  • 20 Metal Ingot
  • 30 Cementing Paste
  • 80 Electronics
  • 50 Polymer
  • 25 Crystal

Craft it at the Fabricator.

Available from Level 65 onwards, costs 20 Engram Points, and requires the GPS Engram.

  • 3 Metal Ingot
  • 12 Cementing Paste
  • 14 Electronics
  • 10 Polymer
  • 12 Crystal

Craft it at the Fabricator.

Craft both of them first. Then take them into your hands (as seen in the header-picture of this article), and attach the tracker to your Dino by left-clicking. It should now be clearly visible where you placed it on the dinosaur.

To locate the animal, right-click the transponder tracker. It will overlay the distance and direction of every one of your tracked Dinos on your screen.


Be wary though. Those trackers can also be attached to wild dinos, and therefore can be used for espionage. Should you notice any tracking devices placed by enemies, immediately destroy them (look at the dino, there should be a “Click [E] to destroy”-option, and if it isn’t there, hold “E” to see it in the menu).

Should you play on “Ultra” graphics settings and not see any of the tracking info, try setting the graphics to lower levels. That fixed it in our testing, though we hope to see a patch that addresses this behavoir soon.


ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 188.0 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 188.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.


  • Electronic Animal Trackers: Put it on anything you want to find again or track. Like yourself for finding the corpse after dying, or on an enemy for finding his base.


  • You can now host Non-Dedicated Sessions for smaller groups for coop playing.

Dinosaur Eggs

  • Eggs are about 50% more common to find
  • Eggs now last for 30 min on ground (prev was 20 min)


  • Bronto now likes a certain Kibble 😉


  • Massive performance improvement to structural integrity calculation (namely, less lag/stalls on the server when destroying/replacing pieces of large connected structures)


  • Fixed pop-in of underwater cave meshes
  • Fixed a bug with structure limits (PhysX overlap limit was being exceeded), and reset the default value to 6000 (should cover even the biggest current bases that we’ve seen on Official Servers). The new configurable/commandline value is: NewMaxStructuresInRange=6000
  • Swimming backwards on a dino no longer desyncs with the server
  • Tamed Scorp shouldn’t drown anymore. In fact various tamed dinos that were not swimming to the surface should now try to stay on the surface when not being ridden.
  • Fixed pop-in of underwater cave meshes



(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (187.22)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 187.22 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 187.22, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.


  • Uploading/Downloading Items to ARK Tribute Inventory now works in singleplayer

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (187.21)

Dino Dossier: Mosasaurus

Common Name: Mosasaurus
Species: Mosasaurus suspirita
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
Command cheat summon mosa_Character_BP_C
  • Wild: Until recently, I believed the ultramegalodon to be the greatest of the ocean predators. Then I discovered Mosasaurus suspirita in the deeps. Not quite as fast, but much larger and stronger, the Mosasaurus rules the deep waters off the island. Growing up to 50 feet long, Mosasaurus is larger than almost every other aquatic creature I've encountered thus far.
  • Domesticated: Despite its power, Mosasaurus is not ideal for all deep-water activities. Its slower swim speed makes the risk of drowning much higher when using Tylosaurus to reach oil deposits or silica pearls. Having one with you as an escort, on the other hand, is probably the best oceanic defense available!
  • Known Information: Contrary to common belief, Mosasaurus cannot breathe underwater. Rather, it can hold its breath an incredibly long period of time, similar to a whale. Mosasaurus is a deep-sea marine lizard, not a fish. It spends most of its time in the deeps, and only comes up to surface to breathe, or chase prey with an engulfing chomp.


  • Raw Meat


Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Mosasaurus in Taming Calculator

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 187.21 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 187.21, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.


  • Tribe/Player names with emoji strings in them will no longer cause parsing-spam in the chat text
  • Splitting/Merging stacks of items within your Inventory no longer causes “Removed/Added” Item notifications

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (187.2)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 187.2 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 187.2, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Dino Changes

  • Ants (Titanomyrma) damage reduced by 25% and health reduced by 35 to 40%

Game Changes

  • Turrets random aim spread reduced by 85%
  • Turrets will no longer target carried/dragged characters if they’re being carried/dragged by your team
  • Improved look of Grill and Stone structures slightly (not finished)


  • Fixed a bug where Inventory Bags dropped by destroyed structures had infinite life (now have 15 minute timeout)

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (187.0)

Automatic Update for Linux Servers

As announced in the windows auto update thread: Here is the Linux version of it!


rcon (How to:

Automatic Update for Linux – Script

Save this spoiler as bash file, like

[sourcecode toolbar=”true” language=”bash” title=”update.cmd”]
SERVERSTARTCOMMAND=$SERVERDIR"/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer \"TheIsland?QueryPort=27015?Port=7777?SetCheatPlayer=True?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort="$RCONPORT"?listen\" -servergamelog -server -log"

if [ ! -f $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt ] ; then
touch $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt
echo "0" > $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt
if [ -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat ] ; then
if [ $(( (`date +%s` – `stat -L –format %Y $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat`) > (60*60) )) -eq 1 ] ; then
rm -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat
if [ ! -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat ] ; then
touch $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat
rm -fr $STEAMDIR/appcache
$STEAMCMDDIR/ +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print "376030" +quit | grep -EA 1000 "^\s+\"branches\"$" | grep -EA 5 "^\s+\"public\"$" | grep -m 1 -EB 10 "^\s+}$" | grep -E "^\s+\"buildid\"\s+" | tr ‘[:blank:]"’ ‘ ‘ | tr -s ‘ ‘ | cut -d’ ‘ -f3 > $SERVERDIR/latestavailableupdate.txt
sleep 1m
LATESTUPDATE=`cat $SERVERDIR/latestavailableupdate.txt`
INSTALLEDUPDATE=`cat $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt`
$RCONFILE -P$RCONPASSWORD -a$RCONIP -p$RCONPORT broadcast New update available, server is restarting in 10 minutes!
sleep 5m
$RCONFILE -P$RCONPASSWORD -a$RCONIP -p$RCONPORT broadcast New update available, server is restarting in 5 minutes!
sleep 4m
sleep 1m
sleep 10
if [ -f $SERVERDIR/ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks/TheIsland.ark ] ; then
while [ $COUNTER -lt 5 ]; do
if [ $(( (`date +%s` – `stat -L –format %Y $SERVERDIR/ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks/TheIsland.ark`) > (2*60) )) -eq 1 ] ; then
sleep 1m
$RCONFILE -P$RCONPASSWORD -a$RCONIP -p$RCONPORT broadcast New update available, server is restarting!
echo "$(date) Update – $(echo $INSTALLEDUPDATE) to $(echo $LATESTUPDATE)" >> $(echo $SERVERDIR)/Updatelog.txt
$STEAMCMDDIR/ +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print "376030" +app_info_print "376030" +quit | grep -EA 1000 "^\s+\"branches\"$" | grep -EA 5 "^\s+\"public\"$" | grep -m 1 -EB 10 "^\s+}$" | grep -E "^\s+\"buildid\"\s+" | tr ‘[:blank:]"’ ‘ ‘ | tr -s ‘ ‘ | cut -d’ ‘ -f3 > $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt
rm -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat
screen -wipe
rm -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat

Copy the update.txt to your steamcmd folder

[sourcecode toolbar=”true” language=”plain” title=”update.txt”]
@NoPromptForPassword 1
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 0
nSubscribedAutoDownloadMaxSimultaneous 32
@cMaxContentServersToRequest 32
@cMaxInitialDownloadSources 32
@fMinDataRateToAttemptTwoConnectionsMbps 0.01
@fDownloadRateImprovementToAddAnotherConnection 0.01
login anonymous
force_install_dir ../ark/
app_update 376030

How to use?

You can use Crontab to schedule this update.


-Added suggestions from the comments, thx for that

Dye Recipes Cheatsheet – With Colour Samples


Thanks to reddit user /u/AxelAraatus we have colour samples for all the recipes! For a detailed guide to dye production, have a look at our dyeing tutorial.


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 15 Narcoberry
  • 2 Charcoal


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 6 Amarberry
  • 3 Azulberry
  • 9 Tintoberry
  • 2 Charcoal


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 15 Azulberry
  • 2 Charcoal


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 7 Amarberry
  • 7 Azulberry
  • 4 Narcoberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 9 Amarberry
  • 9 Azulberry
  • 2 Charcoal


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 9 Amarberry
  • 9 Tintoberry
  • 2 Charcoal


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 12 Amarberry
  • 6 Stimberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 12 Tintoberry
  • 6 Stimberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 9 Azulberry
  • 9 Tintoberry
  • 2 Charcoal


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 7 Azulberry
  • 7 Tintoberry
  • 4 Narcoberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 15 Tintoberry
  • 2 Charcoal


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 12 Stimberry
  • 6 Narcoberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 12 Azulberry
  • 6 Stimberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 4 Amarberry
  • 1 Azulberry
  • 6 Stimberry
  • 7 Tintoberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 7 Amarberry
  • 4 Narcoberry
  • 7 Tintoberry
  • 1 Gunpowder


  • 2 Mejoberries
  • A Waterskin
  • 15 Amarberry
  • 2 Charcoal

Item Spotlight: Crossbow and Machined Shotgun

Patch 187.0 added these two new weapons. The crossbow excels in underwater-hunts, where it can be used to hurt swimming dinos from a safe distance. It weighs 8.0 units, and is available relatively early in the game (the required level is 25), though the price of 12 engram points certainly is not cheap. Obviously you’ll have to have learned the “Bow”-engram beforehand.

You can load it with either Stone Arrows and Tranquilizer Arrows. The Crossbow is manufactured at the Smithy, where it costs

  • 7 Metal Ingots
  • 10 Wood
  • 35 Fiber

A higher-tech solution is the Machined Shotgun (“Primitive Pump-Action Shotgun”). Learnable from level 50 onwards, it provides an alternative to the regular variant. It requires fewer reloads than the original, but is less reliable with range. Consequently, it’s your weapon of choice for close distances. It’s modern additions make it significantly heavier (15.0 vs 10.0) than the normal shotgun.

You can craft it in the Fabricator (section “Firearms”) requiring the following ingredients.

  • 30 Metal Ingots
  • 55 Polymer
  • 45 Cementing Paste

Dino Dossier: Liopleurodon

Any diver knows: You should never cheap out on your equipment. Unfortunately, people on the ARK can't actually build their own diving equipment, which is why they have to take advantage of nature's solutions. Todays new dino, the Liopleurodon will serve its rider as a diving cylinder, as it will enable him or her to stay underwater for prolonged times without having to worry about oxygen as much as a normal diver.

Common Name: Liopleurodon
Species: Liopleurodon magicus
Time: Mid - Late Jurassic
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Patient
Tameable: Yes
Rideable: Yes
  • Wild: Liopleurodon Magicus is a mid-sized ocean predator. Typically between 20 and 25 feet long, it mostly hides within the reefs, waiting to ambush prey that swims by. Due to its low acceleration and medium speed, Liopleurodon tends not to chase prey that escape its initial devastating chomp attack.
  • Domesticated: Neither the fastest swimmer, nor the most powerful ocean predator, Liopleurodon still has its uses for those wanting to stay underwater for extended periods of time. Many tribes use Liopleurodon for long duration oil-and-oyster harvesting trips. Often, those who don't believe in the Liopleurodons' qualities are shunned.
  • Known Information: The species on the island almost seem to be magical. The reptile's skin secretes an oil that, when absorbed through the skin contact makes the rider process oxygen more efficiently for extreme diving. When trawling the ocean for resources, Liopleurodon will show you the way.


  • Raw Meat

Base Stats and Calculator

Level Base + Lvl =

Check Liopleurodon in Taming Calculator

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